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SifDec problems
Fixed bugs
Authors of SifDec
[March 27, 2002].
Fixed inlanc.f in which the default value for the CONSTANT part of a SIF file was changed from zero. This added the new default to the objective whenever there a constant was present.
[April 5, 2002].
Fixed decode.f which could incorrectly assign the space for group parameters if the group is (default) trivial. This could lead to a never-ending request to increase NGPVMX.
Updated makegr.f and magrad.f which did not always output their exit code.
[April 17, 2002].
Fixed gps.f which repeated internal variables for the last QP elements.
[April 25, 2002].
Fixed config/linux.cf for the Lahey F95 compiler.
[October 6, 2002].
Fixed sifdecode.pro when more than two parameter are changed from default at decoding stage.

The most recent is v1.0 revision 4 and can be obtained from ftp.numerical.rl.ac.uk/pub/sifdec

Individual updated files may be retrieved from ftp.numerical.rl.ac.uk/pub/sifdec/updates


Last Update: October 6, 2002