
[sd]unc Options


unc/sdunc − CUTEr interface with the UNCMIN solver.


[sd]unc [−decode] −s [−n] [−h] [−k] [−r] [−o 0|1] [−l secs] [−f] [−b] [−a 1|2] [−show] [[−param name=value[,name=value...]] [−force]] [−debug] [−Lpath/to/lib] [−−blas keyword] [−−lapack keyword] [problem[.SIF]]


sdunc interfaces the UNCMIN solver with the CUTEr tools and SIF-encoded problems. sdunc applies the SIF decoder to the problem problem.SIF to produce the OUTSDIF.d file and the problem-dependant Fortan subroutines. If problem.SIF has already been decoded, the script unc may be run by itself. UNCMIN minimizes an unconstrained objective using either a linesearch or a trust-region approach. The options include analytic or finite difference first and second derivatives and BFGS update.

sdunc is only included for backward compatibility with earlier versions of CUTE, and simply calls unc with the −decode flag.

unc sets the environment and calls runpackage to link all the needed libraries and modules for the UNCMIN solver to solve the problem decoded from the SIF file and generates the executable.

[sd]unc Options

You can start [sd]unc with the following options:


Applies the SIF decoder to the problem problem.SIF to produce the OUTSDIF.d file and the problem-dependant Fortan subroutines. It is redundant to call sdunc with the −decode flag.


Run [sd]unc in single-precision mode. Double precision is not available.


Use the load module if it already exists. Compiling a new load module is the default.


Print a short help message.


Keep the generated executable after use. May be useful when solving a particular problem with the same solver with different parameters. Deleting the executable after use is the default.


Discourage recompilation of the test problem. Default is to recompile object files.

−o 0|1

Regulates the output level of [sd]unc. Verbose mode is -o 1, silent mode is -o 0. Silent mode is the default.

−l secs

sets a limit of secs second on UNCMIN runtime. Unlimited cputime is the default.


Use automatic differentiation in Forward mode


Use automatic differentiation in Backward mode

−a 1|2

−a 1 uses the older HSL automatic differentiation package AD01 and −a 2 uses the newer HSL automatic differentiation package AD02. −a 2 is the default.


displays possible parameter settings for problem[.SIF]. Other options are ignored.


cast problem[.SIF] against explicit parameter settings. Several parameter settings may be given as a comma-separated list following −param or using several −param flags. Use sifdec -show problem to view possible settings. If a setting is not allowed in the SIF file, no action is taken unless −force is present.


Forces the setting of the parameters named using −param to the given values, even if those values are not predefined in the SIF file.


This option is passed directly to the linker and causes the path path/to/lib to be searched for libraries.

−−blas keyword

Overrides usage of the default linpack library packaged with CUTEr. Instead, use the BLAS library specified by keyword. The keyword keyword has one of two forms. The first, -lmyblas causes the linker to search for BLAS subprograms in the libmyblas.a library. The second, none, causes the linker to skip inclusion of any external BLAS. Use the first option if an optimized BLAS library is available on the host system, e.g., the ATLAS BLAS. The second option is useful for packages which already include the necessary BLAS subprograms.

−−lapack keyword

Overrides usage of the default linpack library packaged with CUTEr. Instead, use the LAPACK library specified by keyword. The keyword keyword has one of two forms. The first, -lmylapack causes the linker to search for LAPACK subroutines in the libmylapack.a library. The second, none, causes the linker to skip inclusion of any external LAPACK. Use the first option if an optimized LAPACK library is available on the host system. The second option is useful for packages which already include the necessary LAPACK subprograms.


problem.SIF is the name of the file containing the SIF information on the problem to be solved.



Home directory for CUTEr


Home directory of the installed CUTEr distribution.


A pointer to the directory containing the CUTEr problems collection. If this variable is not set, the current directory is searched for problem.SIF. If it is set, the current directory is searched first, and if problem.SIF is not found there, $MASTSIF is searched.


A.R. Conn, N.I.M. Gould, D. Orban and Ph.L. Toint


UNCMIN is authored by Koontz, Schnabel and Weiss and corresponds closely to the pseudo code in Numerical methods for unconstrained minimization and nonlinear equations, J.E. Dennis and R.B. Schnabel, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1983.


CUTEr (and SifDec): A Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment, revisited, N.I.M. Gould, D. Orban and Ph.L. Toint, ACM TOMS, 29:4, pp.373-394, 2003.

CUTE: Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment, I. Bongartz, A.R. Conn, N.I.M. Gould and Ph.L. Toint, TOMS, 21:1, pp.123-160, 1995.

A modular system of algorithms for unconstrained minimization, J.E. Koontz, R.B. Schnabel and B.E. Weiss, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 11, pp.419-440, 1985.

sifdecode(1), gen(1).