
sifdecode Options


sifdecode - SIF-decoding script.


sifdecode [-s] [-h] [-k] [-o 0|1] [-l secs] [-f] [-b] [-a 1|2] [-show] [-param name=value[,name=value...]] [-force] [-debug] problem[.SIF]


sifdecode applies the SIF decoder to the problem problem.SIF to produce the OUTSDIF.d file and the problem-dependant Fortan subroutines. It can be conveniently called from the command line with the -h, -o, -show, -param and -debug options. Other options are useful when sifdecode is called by other interfaces which require the decoding of a SIF file, as for instance a CUTEr interface.

sifdecode Options

You can start sifdecode with the following options:
Run sifdecode in single-precision mode, if available. Double precision is the default.
Print a short help message.
Keep the generated executable after use. May be useful when solving a particular problem with the same solver with different parameters. Deleting the executable after use is the default.
-o 0|1
Regulate the output level of sifdecode. Verbose mode is -o 1, silent mode is -o 0. Silent mode is the default.
-l secs
Set a limit of secs second on VA15 runtime. Unlimited cputime is the default.
Use automatic differentiation in Forward mode
Use automatic differentiation in Backward mode
-a 1|2
-a 1 uses the older HSL automatic differentiation package AD01 and -a 2 uses the newer HSL automatic differentiation package AD02. -a 2 is the default.
displays possible parameter settings for problem[.SIF]. Other options are ignored.
Cast problem[.SIF] against explicit parameter settings. Several parameter settings may be given as a comma-separated list following -param or using several -param flags. Use sifdec -show problem to view possible settings. If a setting is not allowed in the SIF file, no action is taken unless -force is present.
Forces the setting of the parameters named using -param to the given values, even if those values are not predefined in the SIF file.
Links all the libraries, creates the executable and stop to allow debugging. This option automatically enables -k, and turns off all compiler options except -g.
problem.SIF is the name of the file containing the SIF information on the problem to be solved.


Parent directory for SifDec.
Home directory of the installed SifDec distribution.
A pointer to the directory containing the CUTEr/SifDec problems collection. If this variable is not set, the current directory is searched for problem.SIF. If it is set, the current directory is searched first, and if problem.SIF is not found there, $MASTSIF is searched.


A.R. Conn, N.I.M. Gould, D. Orban and Ph.L. Toint


CUTEr (and SifDec): A Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment, revisited, N.I.M. Gould, D. Orban and Ph.L. Toint, 2002.
CUTE: Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment, I. Bongartz, A.R. Conn, N.I.M. Gould and Ph.L. Toint, TOMS, 21:1, pp.123-160, 1995.
cob(1), fil(1), gen(1), hrb(1), knit(1), lmb(1), mns(1), nps(1), osl(1), prx(1), sdcob(1), sdfil(1), sdgen(1), sdhrb(1), sdknit(1), sdlmb(1), sdmns(1), sdnps(1), sdosl(1), sdprx(1), sdsnp(1), sdten(1), sdunc(1), sdva15(1), sdve09(1), sdve12(1), sdve14(1), sdvf13(1), snp(1), ten(1), unc(1), va15(1), ve09(1), ve12(1), ve14(1), vf13(1).