The CUTEr/st Test Problem Set

The Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment, revisited/safe threads, (CUTEr/ CUTEst) contains a set of test problems for linear and nonlinear optimization.

The complete set

The test problem set is available using git via

  git clone ./sif

(with a blank password), or as a stable zip or tar bundle from

Note that access via is no longer supported. A list of newly-added problems is available.

Test problem subsets

As each test problem is classified as to what sort of objective and constraints are involved, it is possible to select subsets of the test problems which conform to predefined criteria. An unsophisticated version of software to do this is distributed with CUTEr/CUTEst.

Individual test problems

The test problems are also available individually:

name files available CUTEr/st classification
3PK ascii file SBR2-MN-30-0
10FOLDTR ascii file NOR2-AN-V-0
A0ENDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A0ENINDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A0ENSNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A0ESDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A0ESINDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A0ESSNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A0NNDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A0NNDNIL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A0NNDNSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A0NNSNSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A0NSDSDL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A0NSDSDS ascii file QLR2-AN-6012-2004
A0NSDSIL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A0NSDSSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A0NSSSSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A2ENDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A2ENINDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A2ENSNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A2ESDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A2ESINDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A2ESSNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A2NNDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A2NNDNIL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A2NNDNSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A2NNSNSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A2NSDSDL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A2NSDSIL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A2NSDSSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A2NSSSSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A5ENDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A5ENINDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A5ENSNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A5ESDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A5ESINDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A5ESSNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-45006-15002
A5NNDNDL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A5NNDNIL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A5NNDNSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A5NNSNSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A5NSDSDL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A5NSDSDM ascii file QLR2-AN-6012-2004
A5NSDSIL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A5NSDSSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
A5NSSNSM ascii file QLR2-AN-6012-2004
A5NSSSSL ascii file QLR2-AN-60012-20004
ACOPP14 ascii file QOR2-AY-38-68
ACOPP30 ascii file QOR2-AY-72-142
ACOPP57 ascii file QOR2-AY-128-274
ACOPP118 ascii file QOR2-AY-344-608
ACOPP300 ascii file QOR2-AY-738-1422
ACOPR14 ascii file QOR2-AN-38-82
ACOPR30 ascii file QOR2-AN-72-172
ACOPR57 ascii file QOR2-AN-128-331
ACOPR118 ascii file QOR2-AN-344-726
ACOPR300 ascii file QOR2-AN-738-1722
AGG ascii file LLR2-AN-163-488
AIRCRFTA ascii file NOR2-RN-8-5
AIRCRFTB ascii file SXR2-RN-8-0
AIRPORT ascii file SQR2-MN-84-42
AKIVA ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
ALJAZZAF ascii file QQR2-AN-V-1
ALLINIT ascii file OBR2-AY-4-0
ALLINITA ascii file OOR2-AY-4-4
ALLINITC ascii file OOR2-AY-4-1
ALLINITU ascii file OUR2-AY-4-0
ALLINQP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
ALSOTAME ascii file OOR2-AN-2-1
ANTWERP ascii file SBR2-RN-27-8
ARGLALE ascii file NLR2-AN-V-V
ARGAUSS ascii file NOR2-AN-3-15
ARGLBLE ascii file SUR2-AN-V-V
ARGLCLE ascii file SUR2-AN-V-V
ARGLINA ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
ARGLINB ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
ARGLINC ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
ARGTRIG ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
ARGTRIGLS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
ARTIF ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
ARWHEAD ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
ARWHDNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
AUG2D ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
AUG2DC ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
AUG2DCQP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
AUG2DQP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
AUG3D ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
AUG3DC ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
AUG3DCQP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
AUG3DQP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
AVGASA ascii file QLR2-AN-8-10
AVGASB ascii file QLR2-AN-8-10
AVION2 ascii file OLR2-RN-49-15
A4X12 ascii file LQR2-AN-130-385
BA-L1 ascii file NOR2-MN- 57- 12
BA-L1LS ascii file SUR2-MN- 57- 0
BA-L1SP ascii file NOR2-MN- 57- 12
BA-L1SPLS ascii file NOR2-MN- 57- 0
BA-L21 ascii file NOR2-MN-34134-36455
BA-L21LS ascii file SUR2-MN-34134- 0
BA-L16 ascii file NOR2-MN-66462-83718
BA-L16LS ascii file SUR2-MN-66462- 0
BA-L49 ascii file NOR2-MN-23769-31843
BA-L49LS ascii file SUR2-MN-23769- 0
BA-L52 ascii file NOR2-MN-192627-347173
BA-L52LS ascii file SUR2-MN-192627-0
BA-L73 ascii file NOR2-MN-33753-46122
BA-L73LS ascii file SUR2-MN-33753- 0
BARD ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
BARDNE ascii file NOR2-AN-3-15
BATCH ascii file OOR2-AN-46-73
BDEXP ascii file OBR2-AY-V-0
BDRY2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
BDQRTIC ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
BDQRTICNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
BDVALUE ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
BDVALUES ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
BEALE ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
BEALENE ascii file NOR2-AN-2-3
BENNETT5LS ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
BENNETT5 ascii file NOR2-MN-3-154
BIGBANK ascii file ONI2-RN-2230-1112
BIGGS3 ascii file SXR2-AN-6-0
BIGGS5 ascii file SXR2-AN-6-0
BIGGS6 ascii file SUR2-AN-6-0
BIGGS6NE ascii file NOR2-AN-6-13
BIGGSB1 ascii file QBR2-AN-V-V
BIGGSC4 ascii file QLR2-AN-4-7
BLEACHNG ascii file SBR1-RN-17-0
BLOCKQP1 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
BLOCKQP2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
BLOCKQP3 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
BLOCKQP4 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
BLOCKQP5 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
BLOWEYA ascii file QLR2-MN-V-V
BLOWEYB ascii file QLR2-MN-V-V
BLOWEYC ascii file QLR2-MN-V-V
BOOTH ascii file NLR2-AN-2-2
BOX ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
BOX2 ascii file SXR2-AN-3-0
BOX3 ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
BOX3NE ascii file NOR2-AN-3-10
BOXBODLS ascii file SUR2-MN-2-0
BOXBOD ascii file NOR2-MN-2-6
BOXPOWER ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
BQP1VAR ascii file QBR2-AN-1-0
BQPGABIM ascii file QBR2-AN-50-0
BQPGASIM ascii file QBR2-AN-50-0
BQPGAUSS ascii file QBR2-AN-2003-0
BRAINPC0 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRAINPC1 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRAINPC2 ascii file SOR2-MY-13807-13800
BRAINPC3 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRAINPC4 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRAINPC5 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRAINPC6 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRAINPC7 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRAINPC8 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRAINPC9 ascii file SOR2-MY-6907-6900
BRATU1D ascii file OXR2-MN-V-0
BRATU2D ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
BRATU2DT ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
BRATU3D ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
BRIDGEND ascii file LOI2-RN-2734-2727
BRITGAS ascii file OOI2-RN-450-360
BRKMCC ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
BROWNAL ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
BROWNALE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-0
BROWNBS ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
BROWNBSNE ascii file NOR2-AN-2 -3
BROWNDEN ascii file SUR2-AN-4-0
BROWDENE ascii file NOR2-AN-4-20
BROYDN3D ascii file NQR2-AN-V-V
BROYDN3DLS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
BROYDN7D ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
BROYDNBD ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
BROYDNBDLS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
BRYBND ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
BRYBNDNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
BTS4 ascii file QLR2-RN-36570-36310
BT1 ascii file QQR2-AN-2-1
BT2 ascii file QQR2-AY-3-1
BT3 ascii file SLR2-AY-5-3
BT4 ascii file QQR2-AN-3-2
BT5 ascii file QQR2-AN-3-2
BT6 ascii file OOR2-AY-5-2
BT7 ascii file OQR2-AN-5-3
BT8 ascii file QQR2-AN-5-2
BT9 ascii file LOR2-AN-4-2
BT10 ascii file LOR2-AN-2-2
BT11 ascii file OOR2-AY-5-3
BT12 ascii file QQR2-AN-5-3
BT13 ascii file LQR2-AY-5-1
BURKEHAN ascii file QOR2-AN-1-1
BYRDSPHR ascii file LQR2-AN-3-2
CAMEL6 ascii file OBR2-AN-2-0
CAMSHAPE ascii file LOR2-AN-V-V
CANTILVR ascii file LOR2-MN-5-1
CAR2 ascii file LOR1-RN-V-V
CATENA ascii file LQR2-AY-V-V
CATENARY ascii file LQR2-AY-V-V
CATMIX ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
CBS ascii file QLR2-RN-11163-244
CB2 ascii file LOR2-AN-3-3
CB3 ascii file LOR2-AN-3-3
CBRATU2D ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
CBRATU3D ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
CERI651A ascii file NOR2-MN-7 -61
CERI651ALS ascii file SUR2-MN-7 -0
CERI651B ascii file NOR2-MN-7 -66
CERI651BLS ascii file SUR2-MN-7 -0
CERI651C ascii file NOR2-MN-7 -56
CERI651CLS ascii file SUR2-MN-7 -0
CERI651D ascii file NOR2-MN-7 -67
CERI651DLS ascii file SUR2-MN-7 -0
CERI651E ascii file NOR2-MN-7 -64
CERI651ELS ascii file SUR2-MN-7 -0
CHACONN1 ascii file LOR2-AY-3-3
CHACONN2 ascii file LOR2-AY-3-3
CHAIN ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
CHAINWOO ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
CHANDHEQ ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
CHANDHEU ascii file NOR2-RN-V-V
CHANNEL ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
CHARDIS0 ascii file NOR2-RN-V-V
CHARDIS1 ascii file OBR2-AY-V-V
CHEBYQAD ascii file SBR2-AN-V-0
CHEBYQADNE ascii file NBR2-AN- V-0
CHEMRCTA ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
CHEMRCTB ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
CHENHARK ascii file QBR2-AN-V-V
CHNROSNB ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
CHNRSBNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
CHNRSNBM ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
CHWIRUT1LS ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
CHWIRUT1 ascii file NOR2-MN-3-214
CHWIRUT2LS ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
CHWIRUT2 ascii file NOR2-MN-3-54
CKOEHELB ascii file SUR2-RN-2-0
CLEUVEN2 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530 -2329
CLEUVEN3 ascii file QLR2-RN-1200 -2973
CLEUVEN4 ascii file QLR2-RN-1200 -2973
CLEUVEN5 ascii file QLR2-RN-1200 -2973
CLEUVEN6 ascii file QLR2-RN-1200 -3091
CLEUVEN7 ascii file QLR2-RN-300 -946
CLIFF ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
CLNLBEAM ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
CLPLATEA ascii file OXR2-MN-V-0
CLPLATEB ascii file OXR2-MN-V-0
CLPLATEC ascii file OXR2-MN-V-0
CLUSTER ascii file NOR2-AN-2-2
CLUSTERLS ascii file SUR2-AN-2 -0
CMPC1 ascii file QLR2-RN-2549 -3832
CMPC2 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC3 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC4 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530 -2351
CMPC5 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC6 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC7 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530 -2351
CMPC8 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC9 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC10 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530 -2351
CMPC11 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530 -2351
CMPC12 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC13 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC14 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530 -2351
CMPC15 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
CMPC16 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529 -2350
COATING ascii file SUR2-MN-134 -0
COATINGNE ascii file NOR2-MN-134 -252
CONCON ascii file LOI2-MN-15-11
CONGIGMZ ascii file LQR2-AN-3-5
CONT5-QP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
CONT6-QQ ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
COOLHANS ascii file NQR2-RN-9-9
COOLHANSLS ascii file SUR2-RN-9 -0
CORE1 ascii file LQI2-RN-65-59
CORE2 ascii file LQI2-RN-157-134
CORKSCRW ascii file SOR2-AN-V-V
COSHFUN ascii file LOR2-AN-V-V
COSINE ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
CRAGGLVY ascii file OUR2-AY-V-0
C-RELOAD ascii file LOR2-MN-342-284
CRESC100 ascii file OOR2-MY-6-200
CRESC132 ascii file OOR2-MY-6-2654
CRESC4 ascii file OOR2-MY-6-8
CRESC50 ascii file OOR2-MY-6-100
CSFI1 ascii file LOR2-RN-5-4
CSFI2 ascii file LOR2-RN-5-4
CUBE ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
CUBENE ascii file NOR2-AN-2-2
CURLY10 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
CURLY20 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
CURLY30 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
CVXBQP1 ascii file QBR2-AN-V-0
CVXQP1 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
CVXQP2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
CVXQP3 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
CYCLIC3 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-0
CYCLIC3LS ascii file NOR2-AN- V-0
CYCLOOCF ascii file NQR2-MN- V- V
CYCLOOCFLS ascii file SUR2-MN- V-0
CYCLOOCT ascii file NQR2-MN- V- V
CYCLOOCTLS ascii file SBR2-MN- V-0
DALE ascii file QLR2-RN-16514-405
DALLASL ascii file ONR2-MN-906-667
DALLASM ascii file ONR2-MN-196-151
DALLASS ascii file ONR2-MN-46-31
DANIWOOD ascii file NOR2-MN-2 -6
DANIWOODLS ascii file SUR2-MN-2 -0
DANWOOD ascii file NOR2-MN-2-6
DANWOODLS ascii file SUR2-MN-2-0
DECONVB ascii file SBR2-MN-61-0
DECONVBNE ascii file NOR2-MN-61 -0
DECONVC ascii file SQR2-MN-61-1
DECONVU ascii file SUR2-MN-61-0
DECONVNE ascii file NOR2-MN-61-0
DEGENLPA ascii file LLR2-AN-20-15
DEGENLPB ascii file LLR2-AN-20-15
DEGDIAG ascii file QBR2-AN-V-0
DEGENQP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
DEGENQPC ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
DEGTRID ascii file QBR2-AN-V-0
DEGTRID2 ascii file QBR2-AN-V-0
DEGTRIDL ascii file QLR2-AN-V-1
DEMBO7 ascii file QOR2-MN-16-20
DEMYMALO ascii file LQR2-AN-3-3
DENSCHNA ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
DENSCHNB ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
DENSCHNBNE ascii file SUR2-AN-2 -0
DENSCHNC ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
DENSCHNCNE ascii file SUR2-AN-2 -0
DENSCHND ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
DENSCHNDNE ascii file SUR2-AN-3 -0
DENSCHNE ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
DENSCHNENE ascii file SUR2-AN-3 -0
DENSCHNF ascii file SUR2-AY-2-0
DENSCHNFNE ascii file NOR2-AY-2 -0
DEVGLA1 ascii file SUR2-MN-4 -0
DEVGLA1NE ascii file NOR2-MN-4 -24
DEVGLA2 ascii file SUR2-MN-5 -0
DEVGLA2NE ascii file NOR2-MN-5 -16
DIAGIQB ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAGIQE ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAGIQT ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAGNQB ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAGNQE ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAGNQT ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAGPQB ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAGPQE ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAGPQT ascii file QBR2-AN- V-0
DIAMON2D ascii file NOR2-MN-66 -4643
DIAMON2DLS ascii file SUR2-MN-66 -0
DIAMON3D ascii file NOR2-MN-99 -4643
DIAMON3DLS ascii file SUR2-MN-99 -0
DIPIGRI ascii file OOR2-AN-7-4
DISC2 ascii file LQR2-MY-29-23
DISCS ascii file LQR2-MY-36-66
DITTERT ascii file OQR2-AN-V-V
DIXCHLNG ascii file SOR2-AN-10-5
DIXCHLNV ascii file SOR2-AN-V-V
DIXMAANA ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANB ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANC ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAAND ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANE ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANF ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANG ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANH ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANI ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANJ ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANK ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANL ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANM ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANN ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANO ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXMAANP ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DIXON3DQ ascii file QUR2-AN-V-0
DJTL ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
DMN15102LS ascii file Problem DMN15102 has impossible problem interest specification! Problem DMN15102 has internal variable specification! NOR2-SU-2-66
DMN15102 ascii file NOR2-MN-66-4643
DMN15103LS ascii file SUR2-MN-99-0
DMN15103 ascii file NOR2-MN-99-4643
DMN15332LS ascii file SUR2-MN-66-0
DMN15332 ascii file NOR2-MN-66-4643
DMN15333LS ascii file SUR2-MN-99-0
DMN15333 ascii file NOR2-MN-99-4643
DMN37142LS ascii file SUR2-MN-66-0
DMN37142 ascii file NOR2-MN-66-4643
DMN37143LS ascii file SUR2-MN-99-0
DMN37143 ascii file NOR2-MN-99-4643
DNIEPER ascii file QOR2-MN-61-24
DQDRTIC ascii file QUR2-AN-V-0
DQRTIC ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
DRCAV1LQ ascii file OXR2-MY-V-V
DRCAV2LQ ascii file OXR2-MY-V-V
DRCAV3LQ ascii file OXR2-MY-V-V
DRCAVTY1 ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
DRCAVTY2 ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
DRCAVTY3 ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
DRUGDIS ascii file LOR2-MN-V-V
DRUGDISE ascii file LOR2-MY-V-V
DTOC1L ascii file OLR2-AN-V-V
DTOC1NA ascii file OQR2-AN-V-V
DTOC1NB ascii file OQR2-AN-V-V
DTOC1NC ascii file OQR2-AN-V-V
DTOC1ND ascii file OQR2-AN-V-V
DTOC2 ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
DTOC3 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
DTOC4 ascii file QOR2-AN-V-V
DTOC5 ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
DTOC6 ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
DUAL1 ascii file QLR2-MN-85-1
DUAL2 ascii file QLR2-MN-96-1
DUAL3 ascii file QLR2-MN-111-1
DUAL4 ascii file QLR2-MN-75-1
DUALC1 ascii file QLR2-MN-9-215
DUALC2 ascii file QLR2-MN-7-229
DUALC5 ascii file QLR2-MN-8-278
DUALC8 ascii file QLR2-MN-8-503
ECKERLE4LS ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
ECKERLE4 ascii file NOR2-MN-3-35
EDENSCH ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
EG1 ascii file OBR2-AY-3-0
EG2 ascii file OUR2-AN-1000-0
EG3 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
EGGCRATE ascii file SUR2-MN-4 -0
EGGCRATENE ascii file NOR2-MN-4 -2
EIGENA ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
EIGENA2 ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
EIGENACO ascii file SQR2-AN-V-V
EIGENALS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
EIGENAU ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
EIGENB ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
EIGENB2 ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
EIGENBCO ascii file SQR2-AN-V-V
EIGENBLS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
EIGENC ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
EIGENC2 ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
EIGENCCO ascii file SQR2-AN-V-V
EIGENCLS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
EIGMAXA ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
EIGMAXB ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
EIGMAXC ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
EIGMINA ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
EIGMINB ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
EIGMINC ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
ELATTAR ascii file LOR2-AN-7-102
ELATVIDU ascii file SUR2-MN-2 -0
ELATVIDUNE ascii file NOR2-MN-2 -3
ELEC ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
ENGVAL1 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
ENGVAL2 ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
ENGVAL2NE ascii file NOR2-AN-3 -3
ENSOLS ascii file SUR2-MN-9-0
ENSO ascii file NOR2-MN-9-168
EQC ascii file OLR2-MY-9-3
ERRINBAR ascii file LOR2-MY-18-9
ERRINROS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
ERRINRSM ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
EXPFIT ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
EXPFITNE ascii file NOR2-AN-2 -2
EXPFITA ascii file OLR2-AN-5-22
EXPFITB ascii file OLR2-AN-5-102
EXPFITC ascii file OLR2-AN-5-502
EXPLIN ascii file OBR2-AN-V-V
EXPLIN2 ascii file OBR2-AN-V-V
EXPQUAD ascii file OBR2-AN-V-V
EXP2 ascii file SUR2-MN-2 -0
EXP2NE ascii file NOR2-MN-2 -10
EXTRASIM ascii file LLR2-AN-2-1
EXTROSNB ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
FBRAINLS ascii file SUR2-AN- 2- 0
FBRAIN ascii file NOR2-AN- 2- 2211
FBRAINNE ascii file NOR2-AN-2 -2211
FBRAIN2LS ascii file SUR2-AN- 4- 0
FBRAIN2 ascii file NOR2-AN- 4- 2211
FBRAIN2NE ascii file NOR2-AN-4 -2211
FBRAIN3LS ascii file SUR2-AN- 6- 0
FBRAIN3 ascii file NOR2-AN- 6- 2211
FCCU ascii file SLR2-MN-19-8
FEEDLOC ascii file LOR2-AN-90-259
FERRISDC ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
FIVE20B ascii file QLR2-RN-34552-52983
FIVE20C ascii file QLR2-RN-34501-58825
FLETBV3M ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
FLETCBV2 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
FLETCBV3 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
FLETCHBV ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
FLETCHCR ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
FLETCHER ascii file QOR2-AN-4-4
FLOSP2HH ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
FLOSP2HL ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
FLOSP2HM ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
FLOSP2TH ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
FLOSP2TL ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
FLOSP2TM ascii file NQR2-MY-V-V
FLT ascii file QOR2-AN-2-2
FMINSRF2 ascii file OUR2-MY-V-0
FMINSURF ascii file OUR2-MY-V-0
FREUROTH ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
FREURONE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
GASOIL ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
GAUSSELM ascii file LOR2-AN-V-V
GAUSS1LS ascii file SUR2-MN-8-0
GAUSS1 ascii file NOR2-MN-8-250
GAUSS2LS ascii file SUR2-MN-8-0
GAUSS2 ascii file NOR2-MN-8-250
GAUSS3LS ascii file NOR2-MN-8-0
GAUSS3 ascii file NOR2-MN-8-250
GAUSSIAN ascii file SOR2-AN-3-0
GBRAINLS ascii file SUR2-MN- 2- 0
GBRAIN ascii file NOR2-AN- 2- 2200
GENHS28 ascii file QLR2-AY-10-8
GENHUMPS ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
GENROSE ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
GENROSENE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
GENROSEBNE ascii file NOR2-AN- V-0
GIGOMEZ1 ascii file LQR2-AN-3-3
GIGOMEZ2 ascii file LOR2-AY-3-3
GIGOMEZ3 ascii file LOR2-AY-3-3
GILBERT ascii file QQR2-AN-V-1
GLIDER ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
GMNCASE1 ascii file QLR2-AN-175-300
GMNCASE2 ascii file QLR2-AN-175-1050
GMNCASE3 ascii file QLR2-AN-175-1050
GMNCASE4 ascii file QLR2-AN-175-350
GOFFIN ascii file LLR2-AN-51-50
GOTTFR ascii file NQR2-AN-2-2
GOULDQP1 ascii file QLR2-AN-32-17
GOULDQP2 ascii file QLR2-MN-V-V
GOULDQP3 ascii file QLR2-MN-V-V
GPP ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
GRIDGENA ascii file OBI2-MY-V-0
GRIDNETA ascii file QNR2-AN-V-V
GRIDNETB ascii file QNR2-AN-V-V
GRIDNETC ascii file QNR2-AN-V-V
GRIDNETD ascii file ONR2-AN-V-V
GRIDNETE ascii file ONR2-AN-V-V
GRIDNETF ascii file ONR2-AN-V-V
GRIDNETG ascii file ONR2-AY-V-V
GRIDNETH ascii file ONR2-AY-V-V
GRIDNETI ascii file ONR2-AY-V-V
GROUPING ascii file SQR2-MN-100-125
GROWTH ascii file NOR2-AN-3-12
GROWTHLS ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
GULF ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
GULFNE ascii file NOR2-MN-3-0
HADAMALS ascii file OBR2-RN-V-V
HADAMARD ascii file LQR2-RN-V-V
HAGER1 ascii file SLR2-AN-V-V
HAGER2 ascii file OLR2-AN-V-V
HAGER3 ascii file SLR2-AY-V-V
HAGER4 ascii file OLR2-AN-V-V
HAIFAL ascii file LQR2-AN-343-8958
HAIFAM ascii file LQR2-AN-99-150
HAIFAS ascii file LQR2-AN-13-9
HAHN1LS ascii file SUR2-MN-7-0
HAHN1 ascii file NOR2-MN-7-37
HAIRY ascii file OUR2-AY-2-0
HALDMADS ascii file LOR2-AN-6-42
HANGING ascii file LQR2-AY-V-V
HARKERP2 ascii file QBR2-AN-V-V
HART6 ascii file OBR2-AN-6-0
HATFLDA ascii file SBR2-AN-4-0
HATFLDB ascii file SBR2-AN-4-0
HATFLDC ascii file SBR2-AN-25-0
HATFLDD ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
HATFLDDNE ascii file NOR2-AN-3 -10
HATFLDE ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
HATFLDENE ascii file NOR2-AN-3 -21
HATFLDF ascii file NOR2-AN-3-3
HATFLDFL ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
HATFLDFLNE ascii file NOR2-AN-3 -3
HATFLDFLS ascii file SUR2-AN-3 -0
HATFLDG ascii file NOR2-AY-25-25
HATFLDGLS ascii file SUR2-AY-25 -0
HATFLDH ascii file QLR2-AN-4-7
HATFLDANE ascii file NOR2-AN-4 -0
HATFLDBNE ascii file NOR2-AN-4 -0
HATFLDCNE ascii file NOR2-AN-25 -0
HEART6 ascii file NOR2-MN-6-6
HEART6LS ascii file SUR2-MN-6-0
HEART8 ascii file NOR2-MN-8-8
HEART8LS ascii file SUR2-MN-8-0
HELIX ascii file SUR2-AN-3-0
HELIXNE ascii file NOR2-AN-3-3
HELSBY ascii file LOR2-AN-1408-1399
HET-Z ascii file LQR2-AN-2-V
HIELOW ascii file OUR2-MN-3-0
HIE1327D ascii file QLR2-RN-1183-1443
HIE1372D ascii file QLR2-RN-637-525
HIER133A ascii file QLR2-RN-2197-3549
HIER133B ascii file QLR2-RN-2197-3549
HIER133C ascii file QLR2-RN-2197-3549
HIER133D ascii file QLR2-RN-2197-3549
HIER133E ascii file QLR2-RN-2197-3549
HIER13 ascii file QLR2-RN-2020-3313
HIER163A ascii file QLR2-RN-4096-5376
HIER163B ascii file QLR2-RN-4096-5376
HIER163C ascii file QLR2-RN-4096-5376
HIER163D ascii file QLR2-RN-4096-5376
HIER163E ascii file QLR2-RN-4096-5376
HIER16 ascii file QLR2-RN-3564-5484
HILBERTA ascii file QUR2-AN-V-0
HILBERTB ascii file QUR2-AN-V-0
HIMMELBA ascii file NLR2-AN-2-2
HIMMELBB ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
HIMMELBC ascii file NQR2-AN-2-2
HIMMELBCLS ascii file OUR2-AN-2 -0
HIMMELBD ascii file NQR2-AN-2-2
HIMMELBE ascii file NQR2-AY-3-3
HIMMELBF ascii file SUR2-AN-4-0
HIMMELBFNE ascii file NOR2-AN-4 -7
HIMMELBG ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
HIMMELBH ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
HIMMELBI ascii file OLR2-MN-100-12
HIMMELBJ ascii file OLR2-MY-45-14
HIMMELBK ascii file LOR2-MN-24-14
HIMMELP1 ascii file OBR2-AN-2-0
HIMMELP2 ascii file OQR2-AN-2-1
HIMMELP3 ascii file OQR2-AN-2-2
HIMMELP4 ascii file OQR2-AN-2-3
HIMMELP5 ascii file OQR2-AN-2-3
HIMMELP6 ascii file OQR2-AN-2-5
HOLMES ascii file OBR2-AN-180-0
HONG ascii file OLR2-AN-4-1
HS1 ascii file SBR2-AN-2-0
HS1NE ascii file NOR2-AN-2 -0
HS10 ascii file LQR2-AN-2-1
HS100 ascii file OOR2-AN-7-4
HS100LNP ascii file OOR2-AN-7-2
HS100MOD ascii file OOR2-AN-7-4
HS101 ascii file OOR2-AN-7-5
HS102 ascii file OOR2-AN-7-5
HS103 ascii file OOR2-AN-7-5
HS104 ascii file OOR2-AN-8-5
HS105 ascii file OLR2-AY-8-1
HS106 ascii file LQR2-MN-8-6
HS107 ascii file OOR2-MY-9-6
HS108 ascii file QQR2-AY-9-13
HS109 ascii file OOR2-AY-9-10
HS11 ascii file SQR2-AN-2-1
HS110 ascii file SBR2-AN-V-0
HS111 ascii file OOR2-AN-10-3
HS111LNP ascii file OOR2-AN-10-3
HS112 ascii file OLR2-MY-10-3
HS113 ascii file QQR2-AN-10-8
HS114 ascii file QOR2-MY-10-11
HS116 ascii file LQR2-MN-13-14
HS117 ascii file OQR2-AN-15-5
HS118 ascii file QLR2-AN-15-17
HS119 ascii file OLR2-AN-16-8
HS12 ascii file QQR2-AN-2-1
HS13 ascii file QOR2-AN-2-1
HS14 ascii file SQR2-AN-2-2
HS15 ascii file SQR2-AN-2-2
HS16 ascii file SQR2-AN-2-2
HS17 ascii file SQR2-AN-2-2
HS18 ascii file SQR2-AN-2-2
HS19 ascii file OQR2-AN-2-2
HS2 ascii file SBR2-AN-2-0
HS2NE ascii file NOR2-AN-2 -0
HS20 ascii file SQR2-AN-2-3
HS21 ascii file QLR2-AN-2-1
HS21MOD ascii file SLR2-AN-7-1
HS22 ascii file QQR2-AN-2-2
HS23 ascii file QQR2-AN-2-5
HS24 ascii file OLR2-AN-2-3
HS25 ascii file SBR2-AN-3-0
HS25NE ascii file NOR2-AN-3 -0
HS26 ascii file OOR2-AY-3-1
HS268 ascii file QLR2-AN-5-5
HS27 ascii file SQR2-AN-3-1
HS28 ascii file SLR2-AY-3-1
HS29 ascii file OQR2-AN-3-1
HS3 ascii file QBR2-AN-2-0
HS30 ascii file QQR2-AN-3-1
HS31 ascii file QQR2-AN-3-1
HS32 ascii file SOR2-AY-3-2
HS33 ascii file OQR2-AN-3-2
HS34 ascii file LOR2-AN-3-2
HS35 ascii file QLR2-AN-3-1
HS35I ascii file QLR2-AN-3-1
HS35MOD ascii file QLR2-AN-3-1
HS36 ascii file OLR2-AN-3-1
HS37 ascii file OLR2-AN-3-2
HS38 ascii file OBR2-AN-4-0
HS39 ascii file LOR2-AN-4-2
HS3MOD ascii file QBR2-AN-2-0
HS4 ascii file OBR2-AN-2-0
HS40 ascii file OOR2-AN-4-3
HS41 ascii file OLR2-AN-4-1
HS42 ascii file SQR2-AN-4-2
HS43 ascii file QQR2-AN-4-3
HS44 ascii file QLR2-AN-4-6
HS44NEW ascii file QLR2-AN-4-6
HS45 ascii file OBR2-AN-5-0
HS46 ascii file OOR2-AY-5-2
HS47 ascii file OOR2-AY-5-3
HS48 ascii file QLR2-AY-5-2
HS49 ascii file OLR2-AY-5-2
HS5 ascii file OBR2-AN-2-0
HS50 ascii file OLR2-AY-5-3
HS51 ascii file QLR2-AY-5-3
HS52 ascii file QLR2-AY-5-3
HS53 ascii file QLR2-AY-5-3
HS54 ascii file OLR2-AN-6-1
HS55 ascii file OLR2-AN-6-6
HS56 ascii file OOR2-AN-7-4
HS57 ascii file SQR2-AN-2-1
HS59 ascii file OQR2-AN-2-3
HS6 ascii file QQR2-AN-2-1
HS60 ascii file OOR2-AY-3-1
HS61 ascii file QQR2-AN-3-2
HS62 ascii file OLR2-AY-3-1
HS63 ascii file QQR2-AY-3-2
HS64 ascii file OOR2-AN-3-1
HS65 ascii file QQR2-AN-3-1
HS66 ascii file LOR2-AN-3-2
HS67 ascii file OOI2-AN-3-14
HS68 ascii file OOR2-MN-4-2
HS69 ascii file OOR2-MN-4-2
HS7 ascii file OOR2-AN-2-1
HS70 ascii file SQR2-MN-4-1
HS71 ascii file OOR2-AY-4-2
HS72 ascii file LOR2-MN-4-2
HS73 ascii file LOR2-MN-4-3
HS74 ascii file OOR2-AY-4-5
HS75 ascii file OOR2-AY-4-5
HS76 ascii file QLR2-AN-4-3
HS76I ascii file QLR2-AN-4-3
HS77 ascii file OOR2-AY-5-2
HS78 ascii file OOR2-AN-5-3
HS79 ascii file OOR2-AY-5-3
HS8 ascii file CQR2-AN-2-2
HS80 ascii file OOR2-AN-5-3
HS81 ascii file OOR2-AN-5-3
HS83 ascii file QQR2-AN-5-3
HS84 ascii file QQR2-AN-5-3
HS85 ascii file OOI2-MN-5-21
HS86 ascii file OLR2-AN-5-10
HS87 ascii file OOI2-MN-6-4
HS88 ascii file QOR2-MN-2-1
HS89 ascii file QOR2-MN-3-1
HS9 ascii file OLR2-AN-2-1
HS90 ascii file QOR2-MN-4-1
HS91 ascii file QOR2-MN-5-1
HS92 ascii file QOR2-MN-6-1
HS93 ascii file OOR2-MY-6-2
HS95 ascii file LQR2-AN-6-4
HS96 ascii file LQR2-AN-6-4
HS97 ascii file LQR2-AN-6-4
HS98 ascii file LQR2-AN-6-4
HS99 ascii file OOR2-AN-7-2
HS99EXP ascii file OOR2-AN-31-21
HUBFIT ascii file OLR2-AN-2-1
HUESTIS ascii file QLR2-MN-V-V
HUES-MOD ascii file QLR2-MN-V-V
HUMPS ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
HVYCRASH ascii file LOR2-AN-V-V
HYDC20LS ascii file SUR2-AN-99-0
HYDCAR20 ascii file NOR2-AN-99-99
HYDCAR6 ascii file NOR2-AN-29-29
HYDCAR6LS ascii file SUR2-AN-29 -0
HYDROELL ascii file OLR2-AN-1009-1008
HYDROELM ascii file OLR2-AN-505-504
HYDROELS ascii file OLR2-AN-169-168
HYPCIR ascii file NQR2-AN-2-2
INDEF ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
INDEFM ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
INTEGREQ ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
INTEQNELS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
INTEQNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
JANNSON3 ascii file OQR2-AN-V-3
JANNSON4 ascii file OQR2-AN-V-2
JENSMP ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
JENSMPNE ascii file NOR2-AN-2-10
JIMACK ascii file OUR2-AN-3549-0
JJTABEL3 ascii file QLR2-RN-3025-1650
JNLBRNG1 ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
JNLBRNG2 ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
JNLBRNGA ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
JNLBRNGB ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
JUDGE ascii file SUR2-MN-2 -0
JUDGENE ascii file NOR2-MN-2 -20
JUNKTURN ascii file QQR2-MN-V-V
KIRBY2LS ascii file SUR2-MN-5-0
KIRBY2 ascii file NOR2-MN-5-151
KISSING ascii file LQR2-RN-V-V
KISSING2 ascii file QQR2-RN-V-V
KIWCRESC ascii file LQR2-AN-3-2
KOEBHELB ascii file SBR2-RN-3-0
KOEBHELBNE ascii file NOR2-RN-3 -0
KOWOSB ascii file SUR2-MN-4-0
KOWOSBNE ascii file SUR2-MN-4-11
KSIP ascii file QLR2-AN-20-1001
KSS ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
KSSLS ascii file SUR2-AN- V-0
KTMODEL ascii file NOR2-MN-720-450
LAKES ascii file QOR2-RN-90-78
LANCZOS1LS ascii file SUR2-MN-6-0
LANCZOS1 ascii file NOR2-MN-6-24
LANCZOS2LS ascii file SUR2-MN-6-0
LANCZOS2 ascii file NOR2-MN-6-24
LANCZOS3LS ascii file SUR2-MN-6-0
LANCZOS3 ascii file NOR2-MN-6-24
LAUNCH ascii file OOR2-MY-25-28
LCH ascii file OOR2-MY-V-1
LEAKNET ascii file LOR2-RN-156-153
LEUVEN1 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530-2220
LEUVEN2 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530-2329
LEUVEN3 ascii file QLR2-RN-1200-2973
LEUVEN4 ascii file QLR2-RN-1200-2973
LEUVEN5 ascii file QLR2-RN-1200-2973
LEUVEN6 ascii file QLR2-RN-1200-3091
LEUVEN7 ascii file QLR2-RN-300-946
LEWISPOL ascii file QOR2-AN-6-9
LIARWHD ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
LIARWHDNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LIN ascii file OLR2-AY-4-2
LINCONT ascii file QLR2-AN-1257-419
LINSPANH ascii file LNR2-MN-97-33
LINVERSE ascii file SBR2-AN-V-0
LINVERSENE ascii file NOR2-AN- V-0
LIPPERT1 ascii file LQR2-MN-V-V
LIPPERT2 ascii file LQR2-MN-V-V
LISWET1 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET10 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET11 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET12 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET3 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET4 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET5 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET6 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET7 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET8 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LISWET9 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
LMINSURF ascii file OXR2-MY-V-0
LOADBAL ascii file OLR2-MN-31-31
LOBSTERZ ascii file QOR2-RY-16263-16243
LOGHAIRY ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
LOGROS ascii file OBR2-AN-2-0
LOOTSMA ascii file OQR2-AN-3-2
LOTSCHD ascii file QLR2-AN-12-7
LSC1 ascii file NOR2-MN- 3- 6
LSC1LS ascii file SUR2-MN- 3- 0
LSC2 ascii file NOR2-MN- 3- 6
LSC2LS ascii file SUR2-MN- 3- 0
LSNNODOC ascii file ONR2-AY-5-4
LSQFIT ascii file SLR2-AN-2-1
LUBRIF ascii file QOR2-MN-V-V
LUBRIFC ascii file QOR2-MN-V-V
LUKSAN11LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN11 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKSAN12LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN12 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKSAN13LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN13 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKSAN14LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN14 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKSAN15LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN15 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKSAN16LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN16 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKSAN17LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN17 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKSAN21LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN21 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKSAN22LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- 0
LUKSAN22 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
LUKVLE1 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE2 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE3 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE4 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE5 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE6 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE7 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE8 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE9 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE10 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE11 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE12 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE13 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE14 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE15 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE16 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE17 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLE18 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI1 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI2 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI3 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI4 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI5 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI6 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI7 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI8 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI9 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI10 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI11 ascii file OOR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI12 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI13 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI14 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI15 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI16 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI17 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
LUKVLI18 ascii file OQR2-AY-V-V
MADSEN ascii file LOR2-AN-3-6
MADSSCHJ ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
MAKELA1 ascii file LQR2-AN-3-2
MAKELA2 ascii file LQR2-AN-3-3
MAKELA3 ascii file LQR2-AN-21-20
MAKELA4 ascii file LLR2-AN-21-40
MANCINO ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
MANCINONE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
MANNE ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
MARATOS ascii file QQR2-AN-2-1
MARATOSB ascii file QUR2-AN-2-0
MARINE ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
MATRIX2 ascii file QOR2-AY-6-2
MAXLIKA ascii file OBR2-AY-8-0
MCCORMCK ascii file OBR2-AY-V-0
MCONCON ascii file LOI2-MN-15-11
MDHOLE ascii file OBR2-AN-2-0
MESH ascii file OOR2-AY-41-48
METHANB8 ascii file NOR2-MN-31-31
METHANL8 ascii file NOR2-MN-31-31
METHANB8LS ascii file SUR2-MN-31 -0
METHANL8LS ascii file SUR2-MN-31 -0
METHANOL ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
MEXHAT ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
MEYER3 ascii file SUR2-RN-3-0
MEYER3NE ascii file NOR2-RN-3-16
MGH09LS ascii file SUR2-MN-4-0
MGH09 ascii file NOR2-MN-4-11
MGH10LS ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
MGH10 ascii file NOR2-MN-3-16
MGH10SLS ascii file SUR2-MN-3 -0
MGH10S ascii file NOR2-MN-3-16
MGH17LS ascii file SUR2-MN-5-0
MGH17 ascii file NOR2-MN-5-33
MGH17SLS ascii file NOR2-MN-5 -33
MGH17S ascii file NOR2-MN-5-33
MIFFLIN1 ascii file LQR2-AN-3-2
MIFFLIN2 ascii file LQR2-AN-3-2
MINC44 ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
MINMAXBD ascii file LOR2-AN-5-20
MINMAXRB ascii file LQR2-AN-3-4
MINPERM ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
MINSURF ascii file OXR2-MY-64-0
MINSURFO ascii file OBR2-AN-V-V
MISRA1ALS ascii file SUR2-MN-2-0
MISRA1A ascii file NOR2-MN-2-14
MISRA1BLS ascii file SUR2-MN-2-0
MISRA1B ascii file NOR2-MN-2-14
MISRA1CLS ascii file SUR2-MN-2-0
MISRA1C ascii file NOR2-MN-2-14
MISRA1DLS ascii file SUR2-MN-2-0
MISRA1D ascii file NOR2-MN-2-14
MISTAKE ascii file QQR2-AY-9-13
MNISTS0 ascii file NOR2-MN- 494- 6000
MNISTS5 ascii file NOR2-MN- 494- 6000
MNISTS0LS ascii file SUR2-MN- 494- 0
MNISTS5LS ascii file SUR2-MN- 494- 0
MODBEALE ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
MODEL ascii file LLR2-AN-1557-38
MOREBV ascii file SUR2-MN-V-0
MOREBVNE ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
MOSARQP1 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
MOSARQP2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
MPC1 ascii file QLR2-RN-2549-3832
MPC2 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC3 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC4 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530-2351
MPC5 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC6 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC7 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530-2351
MPC8 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC9 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC10 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530-2351
MPC11 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530-2351
MPC12 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC13 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC14 ascii file QLR2-RN-1530-2351
MPC15 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MPC16 ascii file QLR2-RN-1529-2350
MRIBASIS ascii file LOR2-MY-36-55
MSQRTA ascii file NQR2-AN-V-V
MSQRTALS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-V
MSQRTB ascii file NQR2-AN-V-V
MSQRTBLS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-V
MSS1 ascii file QQR2-AN-90-73
MSS2 ascii file QQR2-AN-756-703
MSS3 ascii file QQR2-AN-2070-1981
MWRIGHT ascii file OQR2-AN-5-3
MUONSINE ascii file NOR2-MN-1-512
MUONSINELS ascii file SUR2-MN-1 -0
NASH ascii file QLR2-AN-72-24
NCB20 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
NCB20B ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
NCVXBQP1 ascii file QBR2-AN-V-0
NCVXBQP2 ascii file QBR2-AN-V-0
NCVXBQP3 ascii file QBR2-AN-V-0
NCVXQP1 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NCVXQP2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NCVXQP3 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NCVXQP4 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NCVXQP5 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NCVXQP6 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NCVXQP7 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NCVXQP8 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NCVXQP9 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
NELSONLS ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
NELSON ascii file NOR2-MN-3-128
NET1 ascii file OOI2-RN-48-57
NET2 ascii file OOI2-RN-144-160
NET3 ascii file OOI2-RN-464-521
NET4 ascii file OOI2-RN-66816-75024
NGONE ascii file QQR2-AY-V-V
NINE12 ascii file QLR2-RN-10399-11362
NINE5D ascii file QLR2-RN-10733-17295
NINENEW ascii file QLR2-RN-6546-7340
NLMSURF ascii file OXR2-MY-V-0
NOBNDTOR ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
NONCVXU2 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
NONCVXUN ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
NONDIA ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
NONDIANE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
NONDQUAR ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
NONMSQRT ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
NONSCOMP ascii file SBR2-AN-V-0
NONSCOMPNE ascii file NOR2-AN- V-0
NUFFIELD ascii file LQR2-AN-V-V
NYSTROM5 ascii file NOR2-RY-18-20
OBSTCLAE ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
OBSTCLAL ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
OBSTCLBL ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
OBSTCLBM ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
OBSTCLBU ascii file QBR2-AY-V-0
ODC ascii file OXR2-MY-V-0
ODFITS ascii file OLR2-MN-10-6
ODNAMUR ascii file QBR2-RN-11130-0
OET1 ascii file LLR2-AN-3-V
OET2 ascii file LOR2-AN-3-V
OET3 ascii file LLR2-AN-4-V
OET4 ascii file LOR2-AN-4-V
OET5 ascii file LQR2-AN-5-V
OET6 ascii file LOR2-AN-5-V
OET7 ascii file LOR2-AN-7-V
OPTCDEG2 ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
OPTCDEG3 ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
OPTCNTRL ascii file QQR2-AN-32-20
OPTCTRL3 ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
OPTCTRL6 ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
OPTMASS ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
OPTPRLOC ascii file QQR2-AN-30-30
ORBIT2 ascii file LOR1-RN-V-V
ORTHRDM2 ascii file QOR2-AY-V-V
ORTHRDS2 ascii file QOR2-AY-V-V
ORTHREGA ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
ORTHREGB ascii file QQR2-AN-27-6
ORTHREGC ascii file QQR2-AN-V-V
ORTHREGD ascii file QOR2-AY-V-V
ORTHREGE ascii file QOR2-AY-V-V
ORTHREGF ascii file QOR2-AY-V-V
ORTHRGDM ascii file QOR2-AY-V-V
ORTHRGDS ascii file QOR2-AY-V-V
OSBORNEA ascii file SUR2-MN-5-0
OSBORNEB ascii file SUR2-MN-11-0
OSBORNE1 ascii file NOR2-MN-5-33
OSBORNE2 ascii file NOR2-MN-11-65
OSCIGRAD ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
OSCIGRNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
OSCIPANE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
OSCIPATH ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
OSLBQP ascii file QBR2-AN-8-0
OSORIO ascii file QLR2-RN-10201-202
PALMER1 ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER1A ascii file SBR2-RN-6-0
PALMER1B ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER1C ascii file QUR2-RN-8-0
PALMER1D ascii file QUR2-RN-7-0
PALMER1E ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER2 ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER2A ascii file SBR2-RN-6-0
PALMER2B ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER2C ascii file QUR2-RN-8-0
PALMER2E ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER3 ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER3A ascii file SBR2-RN-6-0
PALMER3B ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER3C ascii file QUR2-RN-8-0
PALMER3E ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER4 ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER4A ascii file SBR2-RN-6-0
PALMER4B ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER4C ascii file QUR2-RN-8-0
PALMER4E ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER5A ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER5B ascii file SBR2-RN-9-0
PALMER5C ascii file QUR2-RN-6-0
PALMER5D ascii file SBR2-RN-4-0
PALMER5E ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER6A ascii file SBR2-RN-6-0
PALMER6C ascii file QUR2-RN-8-0
PALMER6E ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER7A ascii file SBR2-RN-6-0
PALMER7C ascii file QUR2-RN-8-0
PALMER7E ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER8A ascii file SBR2-RN-6-0
PALMER8C ascii file QUR2-RN-8-0
PALMER8E ascii file SBR2-RN-8-0
PALMER1ANE ascii file NOR2-RN-6 -0
PALMER1BNE ascii file NOR2-RN-4 -0
PALMER1ENE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PALMER1NE ascii file NOR2-RN-4 -0
PALMER2ANE ascii file NOR2-RN-6 -0
PALMER2BNE ascii file NOR2-RN-4 -0
PALMER2ENE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PALMER2NE ascii file NOR2-RN-4 -0
PALMER3ANE ascii file NOR2-RN-6 -0
PALMER3BNE ascii file NOR2-RN-4 -0
PALMER3ENE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PALMER3NE ascii file NOR2-RN-4 -0
PALMER4ANE ascii file NOR2-RN-6 -0
PALMER4BNE ascii file NOR2-RN-4 -0
PALMER4ENE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PALMER4NE ascii file NOR2-RN-4 -0
PALMER5ANE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PALMER5BNE ascii file NOR2-RN-9 -0
PALMER5ENE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PALMER6ANE ascii file NOR2-RN-6 -0
PALMER6ENE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PALMER7ANE ascii file NOR2-RN-6 -0
PALMER7ENE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PALMER8ANE ascii file NOR2-RN-6 -0
PALMER8ENE ascii file NOR2-RN-8 -0
PARKCH ascii file OUR2-RN-15-0
PDE1 ascii file LLR2-AN-V-V
PDE2 ascii file LLR2-AN-V-V
PENALTY1 ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
PENALTY2 ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
PENALTY3 ascii file OUR2-AY-V-0
PENLT1NE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
PENLT2NE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
PENTAGON ascii file OLR2-AY-6-15
PENTDI ascii file QBR2-AN-V-0
PFIT1 ascii file NOR2-AN-3-3
PFIT1LS ascii file SBR2-AN-3-0
PFIT2 ascii file NOR2-AN-3-3
PFIT2LS ascii file SBR2-AN-3-0
PFIT3 ascii file NOR2-AN-3-3
PFIT3LS ascii file SBR2-AN-3-0
PFIT4 ascii file NOR2-AN-3-3
PFIT4LS ascii file SBR2-AN-3-0
PINENE ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
POLAK1 ascii file LOR2-AN-3-2
POLAK2 ascii file LOR2-AN-11-2
POLAK3 ascii file LOR2-AN-12-10
POLAK4 ascii file LQR2-AN-3-3
POLAK5 ascii file LOR2-AN-3-2
POLAK6 ascii file LOR2-AN-5-4
POLYGON ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
POLYGODD ascii file OOR2-AN- V- V
POLYGEVEN ascii file OOR2-AN- V- V
POROUS1 ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
POROUS2 ascii file NOR2-MN-V-V
PORTFL1 ascii file SLR2-MN-12-1
PORTFL2 ascii file SLR2-MN-12-1
PORTFL3 ascii file SLR2-MN-12-1
PORTFL4 ascii file SLR2-MN-12-1
PORTFL6 ascii file SLR2-MN-12-1
PORTSNQP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-1
PORTSQP ascii file QLR2-AN-V-1
POWELL20 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
POWELLBC ascii file OBR2-AN-V-0
POWELLBS ascii file NOR2-AN-2-2
POWELLBSLS ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
POWELLSG ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
POWELLSE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
POWELLSQ ascii file NOR2-AN-2-2
POWELLSQLS ascii file SUR2-AN-2 -0
POWER ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
POWERSUM ascii file SUR2-MN- V-0
POWERSUMNE ascii file NOR2-MN- V- V
PRICE3 ascii file SUR2-MN- V-0
PRICE3NE ascii file NOR2-MN-2 -2
PRICE4 ascii file SUR2-MN-2 -0
PRICE4NE ascii file NOR2-MN-2 -2
PRIMAL1 ascii file QLR2-MN-325-85
PRIMAL2 ascii file QLR2-MN-649-96
PRIMAL3 ascii file QLR2-MN-745-111
PRIMAL4 ascii file QLR2-MN-1489-75
PRIMALC1 ascii file QLR2-MN-230-9
PRIMALC2 ascii file QLR2-MN-231-7
PRIMALC5 ascii file QLR2-MN-287-8
PRIMALC8 ascii file QLR2-MN-520-8
PROBPENL ascii file OBR2-AN-V-0
PRODPL0 ascii file LQR2-RY-60-29
PRODPL1 ascii file LQR2-RY-60-29
PSPDOC ascii file SBR2-AY-4-0
PT ascii file LLR2-AN-2-V
QING ascii file SUR2-MN- V-0
QINGNE ascii file NOR2-MN- V- V
QPBAND ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
QC ascii file OLR2-MY-9-4
QCNEW ascii file OLR2-MY-9-3
QPCBLEND ascii file QLR2-MN-83-74
QPCBOEI1 ascii file QLR2-MN-384-351
QPCBOEI2 ascii file QLR2-MN-143-166
QPCSTAIR ascii file QLR2-MN-467-356
QPNBAND ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
QPNBLEND ascii file QLR2-MN-83-74
QPNBOEI1 ascii file QLR2-MN-384-351
QPNBOEI2 ascii file QLR2-MN-143-166
QPNSTAIR ascii file QLR2-MN-467-356
QR3D ascii file NQR2-AN-V-V
QR3DBD ascii file NQR2-AN-V-V
QR3DLS ascii file SBR2-AN-V-V
QRTQUAD ascii file OBR2-MN-V-0
QUARTC ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
QUDLIN ascii file QBR2-AN-V-V
RAT42LS ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
RAT42 ascii file NOR2-MN-3-9
RAT43LS ascii file SUR2-MN-4-0
RAT43 ascii file NOR2-MN-4-15
RAYBENDL ascii file OXR2-MY-V-0
RAYBENDS ascii file OXR2-MY-V-0
READING1 ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
READING2 ascii file LLR2-MN-V-V
READING3 ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
READING4 ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
READING5 ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
READING6 ascii file OOR2-MN-102-50
READING7 ascii file OOR2-MN-1002-500
READING8 ascii file OOR2-MN-2002-1000
READING9 ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
RDW2D52B ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
RDW2D52U ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
RDW2D51F ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
RDW2D51U ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
RDW2D52F ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
RECIPE ascii file NOR2-AY-3-3
RECIPELS ascii file SUR2-AY-3 -0
REPEAT ascii file NLR2-AN- V- V
RES ascii file NOR2-MN-20-14
RK23 ascii file LOR2-RN-17-11
ROBOT ascii file QOR2-RY-14-2
ROBOTARM ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
ROCKET ascii file OOR2-AN-V-V
ROSENBR ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
ROSENMMX ascii file LQR2-AN-5-4
ROSENBRTU ascii file OUR2-AN- 2- 0
ROSZMAN1LS ascii file SUR2-MN-4-0
ROSZMAN1 ascii file NOR2-MN-4-25
ROTDISC ascii file LQR2-RN-905-1081
RSNBRNE ascii file NOR2-AN-2-0
S268 ascii file QLR2-AN-5-5
S277-280 ascii file LLR2-AN-V-V
S308 ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
S308NE ascii file SUR2-AN-2 -0
S316-322 ascii file QQR2-AN-2-1
S365 ascii file QOR2-AY-7-5
S365MOD ascii file QOR2-AY-7-5
S368 ascii file OBR2-MN-583-774
SANTA ascii file NOR2-AN- 21- 23
SANTALS ascii file NBR2-AN- 21- 0
SARO ascii file LOR1-MN-4754-4015
SAROMM ascii file LOR1-MN-5120-5110
SAWPATH ascii file QOR2-AN-V-V
SBRYBND ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
SBRYBNDNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
SCHMVETT ascii file OUR2-AY-V-0
SCOND1LS ascii file SBR2-AN-V-V
SCOSINE ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
SCURLY10 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
SCURLY20 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
SCURLY30 ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
SCW1 ascii file SLR2-MN- V- V
SCW2 ascii file SLR2-MN- V- V
SEMICN2U ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
SEMICON1 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
SEMICON2 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
SENSORS ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
SIM2BQP ascii file QBR2-AN-2-0
SIMBQP ascii file QBR2-AN-2-0
SIMPLLPA ascii file LLR2-AN-2-2
SIMPLLPB ascii file LLR2-AN-2-3
SINEALI ascii file OBR2-AN-V-0
SINEVAL ascii file SUR2-AN-2-0
SINVALNE ascii file NOR2-AN-2-2
SINQUAD ascii file OUR2-AY-V-0
SINROSNB ascii file OQR2-AN-V-V
SIPOW1 ascii file LLR2-AN-2-V
SIPOW1M ascii file LLR2-AN-2-V
SIPOW2 ascii file LLR2-AN-2-V
SIPOW2M ascii file LLR2-AN-2-V
SIPOW3 ascii file LLR2-AN-4-V
SIPOW4 ascii file LLR2-AN-4-V
SISSER ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
SMBANK ascii file ONR2-MN-117-64
SMMPSF ascii file LQR2-AY-720-263
SNAIL ascii file OUR2-AN-2-0
SNAKE ascii file LOR2-AN-2-2
SOSQP1 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
SOSQP2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
SPANHYD ascii file ONR2-RN-97-33
SPARSINE ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
SPARSQUR ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
SPECAN ascii file SBR2-AN-V-0
SPECANNE ascii file NOR2-AN- V-0
SPIN ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
SPINLS ascii file SUR2-AN- V-0
SPINOP ascii file QOR2-AN-V-V
SPIN2 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
SPIN2LS ascii file SUR2-AN- V-0
SPIN2OP ascii file QOR2-AN-V-V
SPIRAL ascii file LOR2-AN-3-2
SPMSQRT ascii file NQR2-AN-V-V
SPMSRTLS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-V
SREADIN3 ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
SROSENBR ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
SSBRYBND ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
SSC ascii file OXR2-MY-V-0
SSCOSINE ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
SSEBLIN ascii file LLR2-MN-194-72
SSEBNLN ascii file LQR2-RN-194-96
SSI ascii file SUR2-AN- 3- 0
SSINE ascii file NOR2-AN- 3- 2
SSNLBEAM ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
STANCMIN ascii file OLI2-AY-3-2
STATIC3 ascii file QLR2-RN-434-96
STCQP1 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
STCQP2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
STEENBRA ascii file QNR2-AY-432-108
STEENBRB ascii file ONR2-AY-468-108
STEENBRC ascii file ONR2-MY-540-126
STEENBRD ascii file ONR2-MY-468-108
STEENBRE ascii file ONR2-MY-540-126
STEENBRF ascii file ONR2-MY-468-108
STEENBRG ascii file ONR2-MY-540-126
STEERING ascii file LOR2-AN-V-V
STNQP1 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
STNQP2 ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
STRATEC ascii file OUR2-RN-10-0
STREG ascii file SUR2-AN-4-0
STREGNE ascii file NOR2-AN-4 -2
STRTCHDV ascii file SUR2-MN- V-0
STRTCHDVNE ascii file NOR2-MN- V- V
SUPERSIM ascii file LLR2-AN-2-2
SVANBERG ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
SWOPF ascii file LQR2-RN-83-92
SYNPOP24 ascii file SOR2-RN-16080-16896
SYNTHES1 ascii file OOR2-AN-6-6
SYNTHES2 ascii file OOR2-AN-11-14
SYNTHES3 ascii file OOR2-AN-17-19
TABLE1 ascii file QLR2-RN-1584-510
TABLE3 ascii file QLR2-RN-4992-2464
TABLE4 ascii file QLR2-RN-4992-2464
TABLE5 ascii file QLR2-RN-4992-2464
TABLE6 ascii file QLR2-RN-1584-510
TABLE7 ascii file QLR2-RN-624-17
TABLE8 ascii file QLR2-RN-1271-72
TAME ascii file QLR2-AN-2-1
TARGUS ascii file QLR2-RN-162-63
TAX13322 ascii file OOR2-MN- 72- 1261
TAX53322 ascii file OOR2-MN- 360-32221
TAX213322 ascii file OOR2-MN- 1512- 0
TAXR13322 ascii file OOR2-MN- 1512- 0
TAXR53322 ascii file OOR2-MN- 360-32221
TAXR213322 ascii file OOR2-MN- 1512- 0
TENBARS1 ascii file LOR2-MY-18-9
TENBARS2 ascii file LOR2-MY-18-8
TENBARS3 ascii file LOR2-MY-18-8
TENBARS4 ascii file LOR2-MY-18-9
TESTQUAD ascii file QUR2-AN-V-0
TFI1 ascii file QOR2-AN-3-V
TFI2 ascii file LLR2-AN-3-V
TFI3 ascii file OLR2-AN-3-V
THURBERLS ascii file SUR2-MN-7-0
THURBER ascii file NOR2-MN-7-37
TOINTGOR ascii file OUR2-MN-50-0
TOINTGSS ascii file OUR2-AY-V-0
TOINTPSP ascii file OUR2-AN-50-0
TOINTQOR ascii file QUR2-MN-50-0
TORSION1 ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSION2 ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSION3 ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSION4 ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSION5 ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSION6 ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSIONA ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSIONB ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSIONC ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSIOND ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSIONE ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TORSIONF ascii file QBR2-MY-V-0
TOYSARAH ascii file QLR2-RN-2890-1649
TQUARTIC ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
TRAINF ascii file QQR2-MN-V-V
TRAINH ascii file QOR2-MN-V-V
TRIDIA ascii file QUR2-AN-V-0
TRIGGER ascii file NOR2-MY-7-6
TRIGON1 ascii file SUR2-MN- V-0
TRIGON1NE ascii file NOR2-MN- V- V
TRIGON2 ascii file SUR2-MN- V-0
TRIGON2NE ascii file NOR2-MN- V- V
TRIMLOSS ascii file LOR2-AN-142-75
TRO11X3 ascii file LOR2-RN-150-61
TRO21X5 ascii file LOR2-RN-540-201
TRO3X3 ascii file LOR2-RN-30-13
TRO41X9 ascii file LOR2-RN-2040-721
TRO4X4 ascii file LOR2-RN-63-25
TRO5X5 ascii file LOR2-RN-108-41
TRO6X2 ascii file LOR2-RN-45-21
TRUSPYR1 ascii file LQR2-MN-11-4
TRUSPYR2 ascii file LQR2-MN-11-11
TRY-B ascii file QQR2-AN-2-1
TWIRISM1 ascii file LOI2-RN-343-313
TWIRIMD1 ascii file LOI2-RN-1247-544
TWIRIBG1 ascii file LOI2-RN-3127-1239
TWOBARS ascii file OOR2-MN-2-2
TWOD ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
TWO5IN6 ascii file QLR2-RN-5681-9629
UBH1 ascii file QLR2-MN-V-V
UBH5 ascii file LQR2-MN-V-V
VANDANIUMS ascii file NOR2-MN-V-10
VANDANMSLS ascii file SUR2-MN- V-0
VANDERM1 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
VANDERM2 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
VANDERM3 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
VANDERM4 ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
VARDIM ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
VARDIMNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
VAREIGVL ascii file OUR2-AN-V-0
VIBRBEAM ascii file SUR2-MN-8-0
VIBRBEAMNE ascii file NOR2-MN-8 -30
VESUVIALS ascii file SUR2-MN-8-0
VESUVIA ascii file NOR2-MN-8-1025
VESUVIOLS ascii file SUR2-MN-8-0
VESUVIO ascii file NOR2-MN-8-1025
VESUVIOULS ascii file SUR2-MN-8-0
VESUVIOU ascii file NOR2-MN-8-1025
WACHBIEG ascii file LQR2-AN-3-2
WALL10 ascii file QBR2-RN-1461-0
WALL20 ascii file QBR2-RN-5924-0
WALL50 ascii file QBR2-RN-37311-0
WALL100 ascii file QBR2-RN-149624-0
WATER ascii file ONR2-MN-31-10
WATSON ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
WATSONNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-31
WAYSEA1 ascii file SUR2-MN-2 -0
WAYSEA1NE ascii file NOR2-MN-2 -2
WAYSEA2 ascii file SUR2-MN-2 -0
WAYSEA2NE ascii file NOR2-MN-2 -2
WEEDS ascii file SBR2-RN-3-0
WEEDSNE ascii file NOR2-RN-3 -0
WOMFLET ascii file LOR2-AN-3-3
WOODS ascii file SUR2-AN-V-0
WOODSNE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
YAO ascii file QLR2-AN-V-V
YATP1NE ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
YATP1SQ ascii file NOR2-AN-V-V
YATP1CLS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- V
YATP1CNE ascii file NOR2-AN- V- V
YATP2SQ ascii file SUR2-AN-V-V
YATP2CLS ascii file SUR2-AN- V- V
YATP2CNE ascii file NOR2-AN- V- V
YFIT ascii file SBR2-MN-3-0
YFITNE ascii file NOR2-MN-3-16
YFITU ascii file SUR2-MN-3-0
YORKNET ascii file SOR2-AY-312-256
ZAMB2 ascii file OOR2-MN-V-V
ZAMB2-8 ascii file OOR2-RN-138-48
ZAMB2-9 ascii file OOR2-RN-138-48
ZAMB2-10 ascii file OOR2-RN-270-96
ZAMB2-11 ascii file OOR2-RN-270-96
ZANGWIL2 ascii file QUR2-AN-2-0
ZANGWIL3 ascii file NLR2-AN-3-3
ZECEVIC2 ascii file QLR2-AN-2-2
ZECEVIC3 ascii file QQR2-AN-2-2
ZECEVIC4 ascii file QQR2-AN-2-2
ZIGZAG ascii file SOR2-AN-V-V
ZY2 ascii file OQR2-AN-3-2

CUTEr/st test problems

Further sets of linear and quadratic programming test problems are also available.