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tools sizes

The tools sizes are gathered in the file $MYCUTER/precision/config/tools.siz, which contains the following parameters.

Parameter Brief description
LIWK the size of the integer workspace array used by the algorithms
LWK the size of the single or double precision workspace array used
  the algorithms, according to the precision of the instance installed
LLOGIC the size of the logical workspace array used by the algorithms
LCHARA the number of ten character strings used as workspace by the algorithms
LFUVAL the size of the array used to store the problem's function and derivative values.

These parameters are assigned a value upon initial installation of CUTEr on the system. These values should be changed according to CUTEr messages issued at run-time, and CUTEr should be rebuilt.

Note that the main drivers, whose names match the regular expressions *ma.f and *ma.f90, declare parameters such as MMAX--the maximal number of constraint functions in the problem--which are not found in tools.siz. It may happen that CUTEr aborts the solving of a problem because one of these parameters has not been set, in the main driver source file, to an appropriate value. Since these parameters are package-dependent rather than architecture-, or size-dependent, they should be set to an appropriate value in the source file and the latter should be recast and recompiled.

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Dominique Orban 2005-03-24